Come and consider the God who loves across difference

 Join us on Sundays

10:30 AM EST

259 10TH AVE

NEW YORK, NY 10001


What to expect

Sunday Services 


Every Sunday at 10:30 AM a growing group of New Yorkers gather in person to reflect and pray, to sing and confess, and consider more deeply who God is and what He desires for us.

Have kids? Bring them! Here’s what we currently offer but stay tuned for more as we continue to grow:

  • For all infants and toddlers (ages 0-4), parents are welcome to keep the child with them during the service or utilize a tumble room with toys and books if your child needs more distraction.

  • For kids ages 5-11, we have a team of dedicated Sunday School teachers. Kids will be dismissed mid-service to join the teacher.

  • The last Sunday of every month is Family Worship, and kids stay with the “adults” for the full service.

  • On the 3rd Sunday of the month, we have a Teens Fellowship time during the service.

Join us! No matter who you are or what you believe, you’re more than welcome.


Church life

Weekday Ministries


weekday prayer - Tues, Wed, Thurs

It has been said that prayer ”is the only entry-way into true self-knowledge.” On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 12pm, a small gathering of New Yorkers in need of grace get together on Zoom in order to know themselves by learning more about the heart and mind of God. With all that we must respond to, day in and day out, we believe we’re most whole when we first respond to God.


The Pastor is In

We’re committed to being available. One way we demonstrate this is through daily pastoral care. If you’re in a difficult season in life, have a question about Christianity, or simply want to grab coffee with someone, please pop by – “the Pastor is in.”


Neighborhood Groups


Our fast-paced city tends to breed disconnection, isolation and loneliness. As a church, we are committed to building community through our weekly Neighborhood groups and we’d love to have you join us. Groups meet on different nights of the week in various neighborhoods. Click the link to get more information.


Grace & Mercy

As we seek to be an expression of God's love, our Grace and Mercy Ministry extends a helping hand to those in need. Whether you need assistance or seek prayer, we're here for you. Simply fill out the request form, and one of our dedicated deacons will review it to offer the most suitable support.


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